KWOC Project Report

Yashasvi Misra
2 min readJan 6, 2021

Here is a report on my experience of KWOC 2020

KWOC organized by KOSS for the Open Source Enthusiasts

About KWOC

KWOC — Kharagpur Winter of Code is a 5-week long online program organized by KOSS for the students of various colleges, especially for students of IIT Kharagpur, who are new to open source.

Open source is a term that originally referred to open source software (OSS). Open source software is code that is designed to be publicly accessible — anyone can see, modify, and distribute the code as they see fit.

About project selection

Over the month, we were provided with lot of projects, and we had to choose as many as we want. The projects I chose to contribute to were :

  1. ds-algo-solutions
  2. web-development-Resource
  3. KnowledgeShare

Contributing to ds-algo-solutions

This project was based on providing solutions to problems on Hackerrank in Java, C++ and Python. The problems ranged from various data structures to different algorithms. I got around 40 PR’s merged in the base repository taking up different problems. I provided solutions in C++ and python. Majorly python was the language that I used to provide the answer code.

This project is really helpful to people who code on Hackerrank as most of the solutions were provided by around 65 contributors.

Contributing to web-development-Resource

This project was based on providing different resources for different frameworks and languages used in web development. This project was a great resource hub for everyone who is involved in web development.

I got around 5 pull requests merged in the base repository. I added resources for frameworks like D3.js and Plotly.js. I added more project tutorials for Flask. Updated the resources for PostgreSQL and added resources specifically for CSS animations.

Contributing to KnowledgeShare

Knowledge share is a website where you can add resources related to programming and other competitive exams.

I got 4 pull requests merged in the base repository. My contributions were adding resources for Machine Learning, adding my Machine Learning project, adding resources for Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing.

End Thoughts…

It was my first open source challenge, after Hacktoberfest 2020. I was previously very underconfident about contributing to opensource as I always thought it’s always the complex projects in open source to which one contributes to. However this challenge was great as it not only boosted my confidence and interest in contributing to open source but also taught me about the open source community culture and how mutual contributions leads to completion of a successful project. All in all this was a great learning experience for me.



Yashasvi Misra

Data Analyst Intern ABInBev|GHC’21 Scholar |Samsung PRISM Research | Airtel | Pyladies| PyCon Europe’21 Speaker